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I2MTC 2012 desires to provide an exhibits showcase for vendors who have products or services relating to Instrumentation and Measurement science and technology. We welcome exhibits in all areas of interest, to present their products to the assembled audience.

Exhibitor Contract

Patron Form

Special Issue



The I²MTC 2012 Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, intended to promote best results presented at I²MTC 2012, will be published in May 2013.

The I²MTC 2012 Special Issue will contain 40-60 papers selected on the basis of the results of regular peer review of the manuscripts submitted for consideration by the participants of I²MTC 2012. Each manuscript should be based on a paper published in the I²MTC 2012 Proceedings and presented at I²MTC 2012. However, the manuscript MUST be significantly extended beyond the scope of the proceedings paper (in terms of the overall TECHNICAL content and research results).

Special issue manuscript may ONLY be uploaded in the period of June 4th to the 22nd, 2012. Please DO NOT try to submit your papers earlier, since the I2MTC Special Issue folder in Allentrack will not be available. NO LATE MANUSCRIPTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.


The manuscript, together with the accompanying documents “viz. the manuscript submission cover letter, the IEEE copyright transfer form, and the overlength page charge form” must be submitted electronically using the web-based submission system. Prior to submission of the manuscript, its author, especially if he/she has not yet used that system, should register and obtain a password that will enable him/her to enter the system and read Authors Instructions and Manuscript Upload Instructions. Both instructions contain information of vital importance for the problem-free submission. In particular, Authors Instructions provide the guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript. The following additional requirementsmust also be satisfied when submitting the manuscript:

  1.  The manuscript must be TECHNICALLY extended beyond the scope of the proceedings paper, as mentioned above.
  2. At the time of submission, the authors must provide detailed information regarding how the manuscript is a technically-extended version of the proceedings paper, as per the instructions below.

  3. The proceedings paper MUST be clearly referred to in the text and listed as one of the references in the special-issue manuscript.

  4. A PDF copy of the proceedings paper must also be submitted, as per the instructions below.

When uploading your manuscript click on “Special Issue Manuscript” in the “Manuscript Upload Instructions” page of the Allentrack System.  Then, in page #1 of “Submit Manuscript” you must choose the proper Special Issue (i.e., I2MTC 11 Special Issue).  Subsequently, in the same page and in the “Files to Upload” section you MUST upload two files; one with containing a detailed explanation of how the paper is TECHNICALLY extended beyond the scope of the proceedings paper and another which is a PDF copy of the I2MTC 2012 Proceedings paper.  To this end, you must put the number “2” in the small box in front of “Extension Beyond Proceedings & Copy of Proceedings (if any was published)” so that the system allows you to upload these two files.  Consequently, these two files will be available to the reviewers.

Failure to submit a detailed explanation of the TECHNICAL extension and a PDF copy of the I2MTC Proceedings paper will result in the immediate return of the manuscript to the author(s) as an unacceptable submission.
Notice: The I2MTC 2012 paper identifier should be put in the upper right-hand corner of every document to be submitted.

Further information and help:

Mrs. Cam Ingelin
Editorial Assistant
E-mail: c.ingelin@ieee.org

IEEE 7th International symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications


MeMea 2012

Budapest, Hungary

MeMeA 2012 will be the 7th edition of a series of successful international scientific events: MeMeA 2011 Bari-Italy, MeMeA 2010 Ottawa-Canada, MeMeA 2009 Cetraro-Italy, MeMeA 2008 Ottawa-Canada, MeMeA 2007 Warsaw-Poland, and MeMeA 2006 Benevento-Italy. The 2012 edition of MeMeA will be held in the charming capital of Hungary – Budapest, a place where beauty and technology comes to a crossroad. The goal of this edition is to present novel solutions to instrumentation and measurmeasurement problems encountered in modern health care, under both the technological and the medical point of view.

MeMeA 2012 Call for Papers

Call For Special Sessions


The I2MTC 2012 is calling for special sessions, which should focus on a particular issue within the scope of instrumentation and measurement science and technology and the theme of the conference this year: Smart Measurements for a Sustainable Environment. A special session should be different from the normal sessions conducted in every conference in the past.
People who wish to organize a special session should submit a proposal to the Special Session Chair before September 1, 2011. Proposals should include:

  1. Title of the special session
  2. A description of the research area of the special session. 
  3. Information of organizer (Name, Title, Affiliation, Email)

Organizers of accepted proposals will be notified within two weeks of submitting proposals. Authors of Special Session submissions will be notified of acceptance at the same time as regular paper authors (December, 30 2011).

Special Session Chair:

Alessandro Ferrero
Email: alessandro.fererro@polimi.it 

Summary of Important Dates:

Last day for submitting Special Session proposals:  September, 1 2011
Accepted proposals notified within two weeks of submission

Special Session extended abstracts submission deadline: November 6, 2011

Authors notified of acceptance/rejection: December 30,  2011

Camera-ready paper submission deadline: March 4,  2012

Industrial Tracks


The 2012 International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) will introduce several new features to improve cross-linkages between measurement science and industrial applications. The general objectives of these new features are to make measurement specialists more aware of industrial needs and to make industrial participants more aware of relevant work in measurement science. Tutorial tracks will introduce measurement specialists to contemporary application and measurement needs in these industries; other tutorial tracks will provide refresher information enabling industrial practitioners to engage more fully with technical papers by measurement specialists during the conference program. Three industrial tracks, outlined below, have been identified as having particular significance to industry.

  • Tutorials presented by industrial specialists on the first day of the conference will provide measurement specialists with basic industrial applications know-how and an appreciation of current industrial issues. Tutorials by specialists from science and academia will review instrumentation and measurement fundamentals relevant to a broad range of industrial applications, with particular reference to specialized matters to be presented in the industry tracks.

  • Following the tutorial day, the conference will begin with keynote presentations for the industrial track fields presented by recognized authorities in these fields. The presentations will highlight each industrial track’s specific state of the art in instrumentation and measurement, including current limitations and challenges.

  • Special Sessions presenting reviewed technical papers and findings tailored to the industrial tracks will allow participants to acquire and deepen their understanding of the subject industry.

Industrial tracks will be structured to foster the exchange of know-how between industry and academia, thereby accelerating transfer of novel scientific solutions into industrial applications. Industrial track topics fit well with the conference theme, “Smart Measurements for a Sustainable Environment.” The industrial tracks are:

  1. Providing Sustainable Energy
  2. Enabling Alternative Vehicles
  3. Protecting the Environment

1.    Providing Sustainable Energy

Energy in its various forms is the major driver of economic growth, wealth, security, and mobility in industrialized societies. A reliable energy supply is essential for stability and development of families, companies, and the community of nations. The concept of sustainable energy involves the ability to satisfy present energy needs without compromising the ability to meet the energy requirements of future generations. Sustainable energy has two key components: energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources (such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, bioenergy, and tidal power).

It is recognized that, on a global scale, the transition from fossil fuels to a sustainable energy supply will take decades. It is also recognized that exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon resources will continue to be essential activities in the foreseeable future, for these sources will continue to provide raw feedstock for many vital non-fuel chemical and industrial processes. Hence, efficient drilling and mining with minimized negative environmental impact will remain crucial for future economic and environmental well-being. Instrumentation and measurement disciplines are essential to achieving these goals while helping avoid disasters like the recent Gulf oil spill and the Fukujima radiation release. This conference track will focus on advances in smart measurement and instrumentation needed to secure an environmentally harmless energy supply. This conference track will address, but is not restricted to:

Renewable Energy Generation, Transportation, and Conversion

  • Bioenergy – bioreactions and bioengineering
  • Geothermal energy – hydrothermal, EGS, heat pumps, and novel devices
  • Marine and hydroelectric energy – waves, tides, and dams
  • Solar energy – photovoltaics and solar thermal converters
  • Wind energy – turbines and electrical systems and controls
  • Energy resource assessment
  • Weather Forecast – short term forecast on a local scale: prediction of the available energy from a specific source like wind and solar

Fossil Energy Generation, Transportation, and Conversion

  • Conventional liquid and gaseous fuels: exploration, drilling and processing
  • Drilling Systems Automation
  • Downstream measurement 
  • Coal mining
  • Nuclear energy: fission, fusion, and related materials
  • Energy resource assessment

Energy Efficiency

  • Energy conversion: solid oxide, proton exchange membrane, and novel type fuel cells
  • Energy efficient buildings: photovoltaic and solar thermal converters
  • Energy storage: hydrogen, CNG, and batteries
  • Electric power distribution: conventional and superconducting transmission, fluctuating loads, and controls

2.    Enabling Alternative Vehicles

Emerging new vehicle concepts address concerns about pollution and climate, diminishing fossil energy resources, and increasing demands on space and infrastructure brought about by rapidly increasing motorization in megacities. These new concept vehicles, in their turn, require new measurement concepts and technologies. Upcoming vehicle concepts offer energy savings by advanced combustion engines utilizing alternative energy sources such as hydrogen, biofuel, methane fuel cells, and multifuel engines. Large-scale transportation energy efficiency improvements can be realized by vehicle-to-infrastructure or vehicle-to-vehicle traffic control developments.

New vehicles require novel technologies for high temperature sensing and data processing in the automotive environment. Powertrain electrification in electric and hybrid vehicles has changed the way vehicular energy is measured. Energy gauging requirements now involve a combination of electric (battery state of charge and generator output) and fuel (fossil or alternative) sources; control of unconventional energy-consuming devices within the vehicle requires new advances in measurement technology. This conference track will highlight the state-of-the-art, emerging challenges, and innovative approaches in instrumentation and measurement (I&M) arising from the introduction of new technologies in a demanding, high volume, and extremely cost-sensitive mass market. This conference track will address, but is not restricted to:

I&M for Transmission, Conversion, and Storage of Alternative Energy for Automotive Transport

  • Biofuels, Hydrogen, CNG, LPG,
  • Fuel cells, Batteries
  • E-Motors for automotive use
  • In vehicle measurement at novel vehicle concepts
  • Energy distribution measurement for automotive transportation
  • In vehicle fuel mass-flow sensing

I&M for Energy Management in Advanced Vehicle Concepts

  • Vehicle2Vehicle communication
  • Vehicle to traffic management
  • Alternative power trains (hybrid cars, electrical vehicles, fuel cell vehicles)

I&M for Advanced Combustion Engines

  • High temperature / pressure sensor elements
  • In-vehicle measurement of greenhouse gases 
  • Instruments to measure gaseous and particulates according to future legal emission regulations

3.    Protecting the Environment

Environmental protection has become increasingly important because of a growing awareness of environmental problems arising from population growth, habitat loss, and industrialization. Concern about global climate change, energy consumption, air and water pollution, waste treatment and recycling, and health risks from chemical exposure are familiar and omnipresent topics in print and other media sources. Even relatively benign information and communication technologies have environmental overtones due to growing energy demands and certain rare and potentially harmful materials used to construct physical devices.

Research and development directed toward ecological issues is needed to protect the environment without sacrificing the benefits of modern technology and a comfortable lifestyle. Instrumentation and measurement (I&M) play a crucial role in this endeavor. Major issues include the detection and monitoring of pollutants on scales having a tremendous dynamic range, from single molecules and nanoparticles to remote sensing of the earth’s surface. Efficient and clean operation of plants and machines, requiring precision measurements for monitoring and optimal control, represent continuing challenges as materials and technologies grow in sophistication. This conference track will address, but is not restricted to:

Pollution Monitoring

  • Air, water, sewage, and oil monitoring
  • Particle measurement and characterization
  • Food and drug quality monitoring
  • Analytical instrumentation
  • Sensor grids

Remote Sensing

  • High-speed and array detectors
  • Hyperspectral imaging
  • Chemical species imaging
  • Inverse problems


  • Microfabrication technology
  • System integration
  • Control of micro-actuators
  • Molecular sensing



Online Registration is now available!

The registration fees are as follows and must be paid in US dollars:

  Until 18 March 2012
Advance Registration
After 18 March 2012
Late and On-Site Registration
IEEE Member $595 $690
Non-Member $795 $875
Student, IEEE Life-Member $220


Conference Registration includes admission to Technical Sessions, Tutorials on Sunday, 13 May, Welcome Reception, Three Luncheons (M, T, W), Banquet Dinner, and Copy of Proceedings (CD ROM).

Bank Transfer: If you need to register via bank transfer, please fill out the registration form and send to Lauren Pasquarelli (laurenp@conferencecatalysts.com).


Please, read carefully the following information concerning the registration procedure that is presented in the Author Instructions, especially if you are the prospective presenter of an accepted paper or if you need to guarantee inclusion of your accepted paper in the proceedings. An accepted paper will be published in the proceedings only if the full-fee registration payment for one of the authors is received and correctly processed by 18 March 2012 - no exceptions.

Only member or non-member fees are allowed to cover the publication of an accepted paper. To qualify for member rates, the membership number must be provided in the registration form. Student registration fees cannot be used to guarantee the publication of an accepted paper. If the author registering to cover the paper publication is a student, he has to pay the appropriate member or non-member fee. Members to whom the society bylaws grant special discounts (e.g., Students, Life members of the IEEE) cannot use the discounted rates to cover the publication of an accepted paper, they have to pay the member fee.

One author registration will cover the publication expenses of only ONE accepted paper. For each additional accepted paper associated to the same registration, a 50 US$ printing contribution will be charged. In the case no registration has been received and correctly processed to cover the paper publication, the conference organizers will contact the authors before the paper is removed from the proceedings.


For further information concerning your registration, please, contact only the I2MTC 2012 Administrator:

Lauren Pasquarelli
Conference Catalysts, LLC

Conference History


I²MTC  2011
May 10-12, 2011 | Binjiang, Hangzhou, China

I²MTC  2010
May 3-6, 2010 | Austin, Texas

I²MTC  2009
May 5-4, 2009 | Singapore

I²MTC 2008
May 12-15, 2008 | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I²MTC 2007
May 1-3, 2007 | Warsaw, Poland

I²MTC 2006
April 24-27, 2006 | Sorrento, Italy

I²MTC 2005
May 17-19, 2005 | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I²MTC 2004
May 18-20, 2004 | Como Italy

I²MTC 2003
May 20-22, 2003 | Vail, Colorado

I²MTC 2002
May 21-23, 2002 | Anchorage, Alaska

I²MTC 2001
21-23, 2001 | Budapest, Hungary

I²MTC 2000
Baltimore, Maryland

I²MTC 1999
Venice, Italy

I²MTC 1998
St. Paul, Minnesota

I²MTC 1997
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I²MTC 1996
Brussels, Belgium

I²MTC 1995
Waltham, Massachusetts

I²MTC 1994
Hamamatsu, Japan

I²MTC 1993
Irvine, California

I²MTC 1992
Metro New York, New Jersey

I²MTC 1991
Atlanta, Georgia

I²MTC 1990
San Jose, California

I²MTC 1989
Washington DC

I²MTC 1988
San Diego, California

I²MTC 1987
Boston, Massachusetts

I²MTC 1986
Boulder, Colorado

I²MTC 1985
Tampa, Flordia

I²MTC 1984
Long Beach, California

Author Instructions


Final Instructions

The Conference Proceedings will be included in the IEEE Interactive Electronic Library (IEL) as part of IEEE Xplore. All authors who have been accepted must register for the conference and attend the conference to present their paper. Authors who do not attend the conference to present their papers, or arrange for a co-author or knowledgeable colleague to present their paper in the absence of the primary author, will not have their paper published in the IEEE IEL and IEEE Xplore, per latest IEEE policy.

1. Prepare the final version of the manuscript using the paper templates linked below.

Paper Templates

REMEMBER: the final version of a paper in the format given above CANNOT EXCEED 6 PAGES. NO EXCEPTION IS ALLOWED.

2. Register online.

Online Registration is now open - click here to register! You MUST register before uploading your final paper. Papers will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author has registered and paid the FULL IEEE Member or Non-Member registration fee by March 18, 2012. Student fees do not ensure publication of a paper - no exceptions. One full registration covers only one (1) paper. To guarantee inclusion in the proceedings of more than one (1) paper, the author must pay a USD $50 surcharge for each paper in excess. If you need to register by bank transfer, please contact Lauren Pasquarelli, I2MTC 2012 Administrator.


3. An electronic version of the final manuscript must be generated for the conference proceedings.

From the final manuscript formatted as instructed above, authors must generate the electronic version in PDF format. Regardless of its initial format, the file containing the final version of the paper must be transformed in the PDF format using the IEEE PDF express web tool. PDF files generated by means of other tools are not acceptable.

To generate the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your paper, follow these steps:

Create your IEEE PDF eXpress account by going to: http://www.pdf-express.org and using Conference ID:imtc12x

The first time you access the system, please follow the link to New user. Please note that, in order to access the service, you need to allow the use of cookies from the PDF eXpress web site. Once you have registered as a new user:

   1. upload the source file (containing your paper) for conversion
   2. receive by e-mail the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of your paper. Once you’ve received your PDF file, upload it to EDAS

4. Send the electronic version of the final manuscript, complete the presenter's biography form, and submit the copyright form through EDAS by March 11, 2012.

   1. Once you receive your Xplore compatible PDF, log in at http://edas.info

   2. Upload you paper.
Click the My Papers tab. Click the upload icon (third column from the right) and a dialog box will open that will enable you to select and upload your paper via the web or via FTP.

   3. Fill in and sign the IEEE Copyright Transfer form.
The IEEE is enforcing strict copyright rules. For your convenience, the copyright form is made available electronically through EDAS. To access the copyright form, click on the 'My Papers' tab and then click on the copyright icon under the copyright column (second column from the right). Authors who are not authorized to sign a copyright transfer form, should download the paper version of a copyright transfer form, fill it in, and ask an authorized person to sign it.Then, send the completed form to the SAS 2012 Administrator by fax: +1 (352) 872 5545.

   4. Prepare the presenter's biography form.
Please declare who will be presenting the paper at the conference on EDAS. To do this, click the 'My Papers' tab, click on your paper title, and then click the Change/Add icon in the Presenter row. Indicate who will present the paper and click Choose presenter. Presenters must fill out a short bio (50 word max) on EDAS by going to the ‘My Profile’ tab and filling in the information in the ‘Brief bio’ field. Information in this form will be used by the session chairperson to introduce the presenter.


If authors like to post their papers electronically on any web site, any ftp site, or any other electronic dissemination technique, they must include the IEEE Copyright notice on the initial screen displaying the IEEE-copyrighted material.


Contact the I2MTC Administrator:
Lauren Pasquarelli
Conference Catalysts, LLC