IEEE 7th International symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications
MeMea 2012
Budapest, Hungary
MeMeA 2012 will be the 7th edition of a series of successful international scientific events: MeMeA 2011 Bari-Italy, MeMeA 2010 Ottawa-Canada, MeMeA 2009 Cetraro-Italy, MeMeA 2008 Ottawa-Canada, MeMeA 2007 Warsaw-Poland, and MeMeA 2006 Benevento-Italy. The 2012 edition of MeMeA will be held in the charming capital of Hungary – Budapest, a place where beauty and technology comes to a crossroad. The goal of this edition is to present novel solutions to instrumentation and measurmeasurement problems encountered in modern health care, under both the technological and the medical point of view.